For more than a decade, gmad has specialized using an integrated approach to architectural and landscape environments. This generates site-specific solutions that give each space a unique ambiance.
Our approach has fostered an appreciation that design solutions are intrinsically linked to the physical and social context that they are generated from. Our team has an unparalleled ability to research and deliver innovative solutions in response to unique projects, site conditions and objectives.

Exceptional architecture is more than translating form and function to the built environment. It is also about enhancing the quality of life for our customers and their communities.
We approach our projects strategically by integrating the design of the surrounding neighbourhood, zoning regulations and sustainability to enhance the built environment in which we work and live. We faithfully maintain our focus to benefit all parties in environments that are great places to be.

Landscape Architecture
We ensure that the design merges exterior and the interior, providing occupants with an experience that begins as soon as they approach the site.
Our landscape architects develop an appropriate outdoor atmosphere by planning using spaces and forms based on human scale/ dimension with emphasis on the natural environment throughout.
Interior Design
Our creative design recognizes that each project has a unique identity and is defined by the people who will use them.
As such we bring added value to our customers. Our designers create orchestrated spaces that leave a lasting positive impression on occupants and visitors.

Urban Design
Our innovative approaches to public space and structures focus on social and environmental transformations of the public domain.
We view our work as part of the social fabric rather than just individual buildings. Our site development and analysis capabilities have paved the way for the design of projects that meet current and future needs of our customers.

Virtual Reality
By bringing together different expertise, we create powerful results.
Using the latest technologies to innovate, we find new ways to conceive and bring unbuilt projects to life. Virtual reality experiences are transforming the way the built environment is communicated, using data from a variety of sources to envision projects in new ways.

Zoning Changes
Given the number and scale of projects we have completed, we are well versed with the re-zoning process.
Our team is very familiar with the CCU process in Quebec and in some cities, we have even achieved project acceptance in record time. We also have participated and served as expert witness at the OMB for projects in Ontario.

gmad applies the principles and values of sustainable development not only to all the projects we undertake, but also to our internal operations.
To achieve these goals our firm has a policy of integrating concepts of comfort, healthy environments and energy efficiency into the creative process, as well as the ongoing search for imaginative and innovative solutions that respect the allocated budget without compromising environmental concerns.
gmad is a proud member of the United States Green Building Council.

Project Management
Architecture and project management go hand in hand.
Whether through long-term partnerships or one-off projects, we seek to understand our clients' aspirations in order to find imaginative solutions. In this way, we create new opportunities while providing crucial assurance that the project will move seamlessly to the operational phase.